Exchange Gains/Losses

Exchange Gains/Losses refer to the financial impact that occurs when a company engages in transactions involving foreign currencies and the exchange rate between the currencies fluctuates.

Get All Unrealised Exchange Gains/Losses

To get all unrealised exchange gains/lossess, make a GET request to the /unrealisedgainsreport?<startdate>&<enddate>&<type> endpoint. Sample request using axios:

const response = await axios.get( "<startdate>&<enddate>&<type>" );

Where <startdate> is the start date, <enddate> is the end date and <type> is the type or selected type of category(invoices or bills) of the exchange gains/losses list

Get All Realised Exchange Gains/Losses

To get all realised exchange gains/lossess, make a GET request to the /realisedgainsreport?<startdate>&<enddate>&<type> endpoint. Sample request using axios:

const response = await axios.get( "<startdate>&<enddate>&<type>" );

Where <startdate> is the start date, <enddate> is the end date and <type> is the type or selected type of category(invoices or bills) of the exchange gains/losses list