Paid Expenses refer to costs that a business has paid in advance for goods or services that will be used or consumed in the future

Get All Paid Expenses

To get all paid expenses, make a GET request to the /expenses endpoint. Sample request using axios:

const response = await axios.get("/api/v3/expenses");

Where <pagenumber> is the page number of the invoice list

Sample Response object:

{ "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "id": 216362, "ref": "ref", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "description": "Some insurance", "amount": 600, "payment_accountID": 1014189, "receiving_accountID": 26, "entry_date": "2024-11-02", "created_at": "2024-11-02T00:01:53.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-11-02T00:01:53.000000Z", "tag": "Dddddd", "deleted_at": null, "fx_currency": "GHS", "base_currency": "GHS", "rate": 1, "fx_amount": 600, "serial_number": "exp-2024-11-02-266", "prepaid_expense_id": 4, "snap_id": null, "enc_id": "<ENC_ID>", "has_attachments": false, "attachments": [], "expense_account": { "id": 26, "account_name": "Insurance", "type_id": 2, "subtype_id": 12, "code": "N/A", "description": "Insurance", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": 0, "created_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "currency": null, "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "payment_account": { "id": 1014189, "account_name": "Rent Prepayment", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 4, "code": "N/A", "description": "", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": null, "created_at": "2024-08-01T03:28:37.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-01T03:28:37.000000Z", "currency": "GHS", "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null } } ], "first_page_url": "", "from": 1, "last_page": 5, "last_page_url": "", "links": [ { "url": null, "label": "&laquo; Previous", "active": false }, { "url": "", "label": "1", "active": true }, { "url": "", "label": "2", "active": false }, { "url": "", "label": "3", "active": false }, { "url": "", "label": "4", "active": false }, { "url": "", "label": "5", "active": false }, { "url": "", "label": "Next &raquo;", "active": false } ], "next_page_url": "", "path": "", "per_page": 50, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 50, "total": 205 }

Record An Expense

To record a new expense, you will need at least an expense account and payment account selected to record an expense. Make a POST request to /expense endpoint to create an invoice. Sample request using axios:

const response = await "/api/v3/expenses", { amount: 250.0, // The amount to be recorded in the expense report expense_account: "EXP-001", // The account to be recorded in the expense report payment_accountID: "PAY-987", // The payment account ID to be recorded in the expense report date: "2024-11-12", // The date to be recorded in the expense report reference: "EXP-12345", // The reference to be recorded in the expense report description: "Office supplies purchase", // The description to be recorded in the expense report tag: "Office", // The tag to be recorded in the expense report fx_currency: "USD", // The currency to be recorded in the expense report fx_rate: 1.2, // The rate to be recorded in the expense report }, { headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json", }, } );

Here is an example response received after successfully recording an expense:

{ "id": 216620, "ref": "test for documentatio", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "description": "this is a test for documentation", "amount": 20, "payment_accountID": 18923, "receiving_accountID": 16, "entry_date": "2024-11-04", "created_at": "2024-11-04T12:02:17.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-11-04T12:02:17.000000Z", "tag": "air-conditioner", "deleted_at": null, "fx_currency": "GHS", "base_currency": "GHS", "rate": 1, "fx_amount": 20, "serial_number": "exp-2024-11-04-269", "prepaid_expense_id": null, "snap_id": null, "enc_id": "<ENC_ID>", "has_attachments": false, "attachments": [], "expense_account": { "id": 16, "account_name": "Office Expense & Postage", "type_id": 2, "subtype_id": 12, "code": "N/A", "description": "Office Expense & Postage", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": 0, "created_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "currency": null, "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "payment_account": { "id": 18923, "account_name": "Metro", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 3, "code": "gcteqn", "description": "fpzmfl", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": null, "created_at": "2020-07-29T10:57:13.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-09-10T12:08:17.000000Z", "currency": "GHS", "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null } }

Filtering of Paid Expenses

To filter paid expenses, make a POST request to the /expenses/filter?from=&to=1&references= endpoint. Sample request using axios:

const response = await "/api/v3/expenses/filter?from=&to=1&references=". { "start_date": "2024-11-07", // Represents the start date of recording the paid expense "end_date": "2024-12-07", // Represents the end date of recording the paid expense "reference": "EXP-001", // Represents the reference for the paid expense }, headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json" }, );

The Response object returned is the same as the one for getting all paid expenses

Get a Single Paid Expense Item

Sample axios request to get a single paid expense item

const response = axios.get("/api/v3/expenses/:id");
  • :id represents the id of the paid expense you want to get

The Response object received is same as the response after Recording Paid Expense

Printing a Paid Expense

You can print a paid expense using this visiting this route, /api/v3/expenses/:id/print

  • url: This represents the base url of the built server
  • id: The id of the paid expense you want to print
  • print: Represents the encryption id of the paid expense. Can be found in the response object after Recording Paid Expense

Update a Paid Expense

To update a paid expense, make a POST request to the /api/v3/expenses/:id endpoint.

  • :id represents the id of the paid expense you want to edit

Check out Record Paid Expense to see how to make the request and the shape of the RESPONSE object

Downloading a Paid Expense

You can download a paid expense using this visiting this route, /api/v3/expenses/:id/download

  • url: This represents the base url of the built server
  • id: The id of the paid expense you want to download
  • download: Represents the encryption id of the paid expense. Can be found in the response object after Recording Paid Expense

Removing a Paid Expense

To remove a paid expense, make a DELETE request to the /api/v3/expenses/:id

  • id - This represents the ID of the paid expense you want to delete

Here is an example response received after successfully removing a paid expense:

{ "id": 216362, "ref": "ref", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "description": "Some insurance", "amount": 600, "payment_accountID": 1014189, "receiving_accountID": 26, "entry_date": "2024-11-02", "created_at": "2024-11-02T00:01:53.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-11-02T00:01:53.000000Z", "tag": "Dddddd", "deleted_at": null, "fx_currency": "GHS", "base_currency": "GHS", "rate": 1, "fx_amount": 600, "serial_number": "exp-2024-11-02-266", "prepaid_expense_id": 4, "snap_id": null, "enc_id": "<ENC_ID>", "has_attachments": false, "attachments": [], "expense_account": { "id": 26, "account_name": "Insurance", "type_id": 2, "subtype_id": 12, "code": "N/A", "description": "Insurance", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": 0, "created_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "currency": null, "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "payment_account": { "id": 1014189, "account_name": "Rent Prepayment", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 4, "code": "N/A", "description": "", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": null, "created_at": "2024-08-01T03:28:37.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-01T03:28:37.000000Z", "currency": "GHS", "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "prepaid_expense": { "id": 4, "business_id": 1, "payment_account_id": 484755, "prepaid_account_id": 1014189, "description": "Some insurance", "tag": "Dddddd", "date": "2024-08-01", "amount": 7200, "reference": "ref", "uuid": "606127e1-2a94-4e4c-9326-6642a5c6b7be", "deleted_at": null, "created_at": "2024-08-01T23:49:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-01T23:49:57.000000Z" } }