
Prepayments refer to expenses paid in advance for goods or services that will be received or used in the future.

Get All Prepayments

To get all prepayments, make a GET request to the /prepaid-expenses endpoint. Sample request using axios:

const response = await axios.get("/api/v3/prepaid-expenses?page=<pagenumber>");

Where <pagenumber> is the page number of the prepayments list

Sample Response object:

{ "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "id": 22, "business_id": 1, "payment_account_id": 3, "prepaid_account_id": 1014189, "description": "some test for the background service", "tag": "", "date": "2024-08-20", "amount": 1000, "reference": "", "uuid": "dd15ba08-2c3d-4b89-8d4f-dc7d7d7bb48a", "deleted_at": null, "created_at": "2024-08-20T16:25:48.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-20T16:25:48.000000Z", "expense_items_sum_fx_amount": 1000, "prepayment_account": { "id": 1014189, "account_name": "Rent Prepayment", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 4, "code": "N\/A", "description": "", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": null, "created_at": "2024-08-01T03:28:37.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-08-01T03:28:37.000000Z", "currency": "GHS", "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "payment_account": { "id": 3, "account_name": "SC new", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 3, "code": "N\/A", "description": "FANBASE ADB Account", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": 0, "created_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-05-21T11:00:41.000000Z", "currency": "GHS", "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null } }, ] "first_page_url": "https:\/\/\/api\/prepaid-expenses?page=1", "from": 1, "last_page": 1, "last_page_url": "https:\/\/\/api\/prepaid-expenses?page=1", "links": [ { "url": null, "label": "&laquo; Previous", "active": false }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/api\/prepaid-expenses?page=1", "label": "1", "active": true }, { "url": null, "label": "Next &raquo;", "active": false } ], "next_page_url": null, "path": "https:\/\/\/api\/prepaid-expenses", "per_page": 50, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 7, "total": 7 }

Get a Single Prepayment

Sample axios request to get a single prepayment.

const response = axios.get( "" );
  • :uuid represents the uuid of the journal you want to get

The Response object received is same as the response after Adding a New Prepayment

Add a New Prepayment

To add a new prepayment, you will need to enter an amount, select prepayment account, select paid from account, and enter description to add a new prepayment. Make a POST request to /prepaid-expenses endpoint to add an prepayment. Sample request using axios:

const response = await "", { amount: 50, // The amount of the prepayment payment_account_id: 5, // The ID of the payment account prepayment_account_id: 24387, // The ID of the prepayment account date: "2024-11-06", // The date the prepayment is made description: "test for adding new prepayment", // The description for the prepayment reference: "optional reference", // An optional reference for the prepayment tag: "air-conditioner", // Tag to categorize the prepayment (e.g., air-conditioner) }, { headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json", }, } );

Here is an example response received after successfully adding a new prepayment:

{ "id": 74, "business_id": 1, "payment_account_id": 5, "prepaid_account_id": 24387, "description": "test for adding new prepayment", "tag": "air-conditioner", "date": "2024-11-06", "amount": 50, "reference": "optional reference", "uuid": "8dc820cc-44d8-45bc-bf13-6a99f9c89653", "deleted_at": null, "created_at": "2024-11-06T17:23:27.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-11-06T17:23:27.000000Z", "prepayment_account": { "id": 24387, "account_name": "Insurance", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 4, "code": "N/A", "description": "", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": null, "created_at": "2020-09-11T12:44:17.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-11T12:44:17.000000Z", "currency": null, "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "payment_account": { "id": 5, "account_name": "Collection", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 3, "code": "N/A", "description": "Collection", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": 0, "created_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-17T02:50:20.000000Z", "currency": "GHS", "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null } }

Add an Expense

To add an expense, you will need to enter an amount, select prepayment account, select paid from account, and enter description to add an Expense. Make a POST request to /createexpense endpoint to add an prepayment. Sample request using axios:

const response = await "", { amount: 100, // The amount to be recorded in the expense report expense_account: 18, // The ID of the expense account payment_accountID: 24387, // The ID of the payment account date: "2024-11-06", // The date of the expense reference: "", // The reference for the expense (empty here) description: "test for adding new prepayment", // The description of the expense tag: "undefined", // The tag for categorizing the expense (undefined here) fx_currency: null, // The currency for foreign exchange fx_rate: 1, // The foreign exchange rate (1 if no conversion is applied) prepaid_expense_id: 74, // The ID of the prepaid expense }, { headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json", }, } );

Here is an example response received after successfully adding an expense:

{ "id": 217781, "ref": "", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "description": "test for adding new prepayment", "amount": 100, "payment_accountID": 24387, "receiving_accountID": 18, "entry_date": "2024-11-06", "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:45:10.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:45:10.000000Z", "tag": "undefined", "deleted_at": null, "fx_currency": "GHS", "base_currency": "GHS", "rate": 1, "fx_amount": 100, "serial_number": "exp-2024-11-07-271", "prepaid_expense_id": 74, "snap_id": null, "enc_id": "<ENC_ID>", "has_attachments": false, "attachments": [], "expense_account": { "id": 18, "account_name": "Rent & Leases", "type_id": 2, "subtype_id": 12, "code": "N/A", "description": "Rent & Leases", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": 0, "created_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-03-05T01:42:57.000000Z", "currency": null, "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null }, "payment_account": { "id": 24387, "account_name": "Insurance", "type_id": 3, "subtype_id": 4, "code": "N/A", "description": "", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "holder_id": null, "created_at": "2020-09-11T12:44:17.000000Z", "updated_at": "2020-09-11T12:44:17.000000Z", "currency": null, "archived": false, "live_account_id": null, "live_balance": "0", "live_bank_account_data": null } }

Schedule an Expense

To schedule an expense, you will need to enter an amount, value for unit of time, select unit of time for the schedule, enter number of expenses, and select an expense account to schedule an Expense. Make a POST request to /create-schedule endpoint to schedule an prepayment. Sample request using axios:

const response = await "", { amount: 100, // The amount for scheduling an expense start_date: "2024-11-06", // The start date for scheduling an expense prepaid_expense_id: 74, // The prepaid expense ID for scheduling an expense frequency: "monthly", // The frequency for the scheduled expense (e.g., monthly, yearly) time_value: 1, // The time value for the scheduled expense (e.g., 1 for monthly) time_unit: "month", // The time unit for the scheduled expense (e.g., month, year) expense_account_id: 18, // The ID of the scheduled expense account }, { headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json", }, } );

Here is an example response received after successfully scheduling an expense:

{ "business_id": 1, "prepaid_expense_id": "74", "expense_account_id": "18", "amount": "-30", "start_date": "2024-11-07", "frequency": "2", "time_value": "1", "time_unit": "Weeks", "next_run_date": "2024-11-07", "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:56:01.000000Z", "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:56:01.000000Z", "id": 41 }