
Generate and manage quotes for potential sales and customer offers.

Get All Quotes

To get all quotes, make a GET request to the /quotes endpoint. Sample request using axios:

const response = await axios.get("/api/v3/quotes");

Where <pagenumber> is the page number of the quote list

Sample Response object:

{ "current_page": 1, "data": [ { "id": 11987, "quote_number": "QTE218", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "customer_id": 779, "valid_until": "2024-10-07", "gross_amount": 1, "discount_amount": 0, "discount_percentage": "0.0", "amount_due": 1, "note": "<p>THis is a new nore</p>", "created_at": "2024-10-07T01:33:16.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-18T15:43:47.000000Z", "deleted_at": null, "fx_amount": 1, "fx_rate": 1, "base_currency": "GHS", "fx_currency": "GHS", "tag": "", "invoice_color": "#FFAD45", "logo_position": "left", "link": "https://built.ac/q/aQm5OzA", "items_sum_amount": 1, "taxes": [], "enc_id": "eyJpdiI6Ing3VC8zb0x0SklnUEw4TFVWUER3eEE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoienozNnZwNzVLZ2N6bkxnNk44dmRYZz09IiwibWFjIjoiOThlZjMxYzAxZGYwZGIxZmM3NzY5NmEwMjQzZjllNDEwMzFkZjk0NTA1OWQ3OGMyNjY5ZTAwNWZmODczOTU5MiIsInRhZyI6IiJ9", "customer": { "id": 779, "owner_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "phone_number": "", "business_name": "Abas two", "business_address": "", "business_phone": "0265653314", "business_location": "", "business_email": "test@gmail.com", "created_at": "2020-07-25T14:32:11.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-11-04T14:16:51.000000Z", "account_id": 18156, "category": "Uncategorised", "category_id": 1, "deposit_amount": 50939, "deposit_account_id": null, "archived": false, "transactions": [], "unformated_balance": 20351822.92, "balance": "20,351,822.92", "total_debit": "43,228,120.29", "total_credit": "22,876,297.37" }, "items": [ { "id": 88289, "quote_id": 11987, "product_id": 13743, "tax_id": 0, "quantity": 13, "unit_price": 1, "amount": 1, "tax_amount": 0, "description": "", "created_at": "2024-10-18T15:43:47.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-18T15:43:47.000000Z", "deleted_at": null, "discount_amount": 0, "discount_percent": 0, "formatedunit_price": "1.00", "taxed": false, "details": { "id": 13743, "name": "01 Potato chips", "user_id": 1, "business_id": 1, "purchase_accountID": 74737, "description": "", "track_inventory": false, "type": "Service", "taxed": false, "tax_id": 0, "retail_item": 1, "buying_item": 1, "quantity": 13, "account_id": 39, "unit_price": "5.58", "created_at": "2021-08-09T10:43:07.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-09-20T15:13:02.000000Z", "code": "0013743", "selling_price": 1, "category_id": 1060, "photo": "https://built-storage.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/1/files/1662634298.jpg", "inventory_accountID": 0, "deleted_at": null, "quantity_limit": 1, "discount_amount": 0, "discount_percent": 0, "archived": false, "category": "CATERING", "product_id": 13743, "applied_taxes": [], "unit_cost": 5.58, "net_amount": 1, "inventory_records": [], "balance": 0, "total_debit": 0, "total_credit": 0, "rawUnit_price": 1, "display_unitPrice": 5.58, "invoice_quantity": 1, "invoice_amount": 1, "used": false }, "type": "Service", "track_inventory": false, "taxes": null, "formatedamount": "1.00", "formatedTax_amount": "0.00", "name": "01 Potato chips", "rawUnit_price": 1, "invoice_quantity": 1, "invoice_amount": 1, "amount_due": 1, "applied_taxes": [] } ], "conversions": [ { "id": 4410, "quote_id": 11987, "invoice_id": 343185, "invoice_number": "INV9938161", "created_at": "2024-10-07T01:33:23.000000Z", "updated_at": "2024-10-07T01:33:23.000000Z" } ] } ], "first_page_url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=1", "from": 1, "last_page": 4, "last_page_url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=4", "links": [ { "url": null, "label": "&laquo; Previous", "active": false }, { "url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=1", "label": "1", "active": true }, { "url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=2", "label": "2", "active": false }, { "url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=3", "label": "3", "active": false }, { "url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=4", "label": "4", "active": false }, { "url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=2", "label": "Next &raquo;", "active": false } ], "next_page_url": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote?page=2", "path": "<BASE_URL>/api/v2/quote", "per_page": 50, "prev_page_url": null, "to": 50, "total": 198 }

Creating a Quote

To create a quote, you will need at least a customer or customer category selected and a single line item to create the quote. Make a POST request to /quotes endpoint to create a quote. Sample request using axios:

const response = await axios.post( "/api/v3/quotes", { customer_id: 779, // The ID of the customer valid_until: "2024-11-13", // The date until which the invoice is valid invoice_number: "INV-20241113-001", // The invoice number (can be blank or generated) gross_amount: 4.19, // The amount before any discounts or taxes are applied discount_amount: 0.0, // The discount applied to the total invoice amount_due: 4.19, // The total amount to be paid by the customer after discounts and taxes items: [ // List of items included in the invoice { uid: "_aiwptkge9", // Unique identifier for the item id: 9543, // The ID of the item product_id: 9543, // The product ID of the item description: "Item description", // The description of the item unit_price: 4.19, // The price per unit of the item invoice_quantity: 1, // The quantity of the item in the invoice tax_amount: 0, // The tax amount applied to the item invoice_amount: 4.19, // The total amount for the item (unit price * quantity) quantity_error: false, // Boolean indicating if there was an error with the quantity amount_due: 4.19, // The amount due for the item after any discounts and taxes discount_amount: 0, // The discount amount applied to the item discount_percent: 0.0, // The discount percentage applied to the item }, ], note: "Thank you for your business", // A note attached to the invoice (optional) tag: "Standard Invoice", // A tag for categorizing the invoice (optional) logo_position: "left", // The position of the logo on the invoice color: "#FFAD45", // The color theme of the invoice fx_amount: 4.19, // The foreign exchange amount fx_rate: 1, // The foreign exchange rate base_currency: "GHS", // The base currency of the invoice fx_currency: "GHS", // The foreign exchange currency }, { headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json", }, } );

Visit creating an invoices to see the shape of the response object

lightbulb Pro tip: since a quote and an invoice have the same shape, you can covert a quote to an invoice

Get a Single Quote Item

Sample axios request to get a single quote item

const response = axios.get("/api/v3/quotes/:id");

Where id is the id of the quote item The Response object received is same as the response after Creating a quote

Update an Quote

To update a quote, make a POST request to the /api/v3/quotes/:id endpoint.

  • :id represents the id of the quote you want to update

Sharing a Quote

There are two ways to share an quote

  • Via Email
  • Via SMS

Sharing Via Email

To share a quote via email, make a POST request to the /send-email endpoint. Here is a sample axios request:

const response = await axios.post( "/api/v3/quotes/send-email", { quote_id: "QUOTE-001", // Represents the id of the quote you wish to send send_tome: 1, // Boolean value representing whether to send a copy to your business email (can be 1 or 0) other_emails: ["client@example.com", "partner@example.com"], // Represents other emails you wish to send the quote to message: "Thank you for considering our services. Please find the attached quote for your review.", // The message body of the email }, { headers: { accept: "application/json", authorization: "Bearer <API-KEY>", "content-type": "application/json", }, } );

Share via SMS

To share via SMS, make a post request to the /quotes/send-sms endpoint

Query Params of the request

  • wb: Boolean value representing whether to send quote to whatsapp
  • sms: Boolean value representing whether to send the quote via SMS

Request payload

  • recipient_number: The phone number of the person you want to send the quote to
  • quote_id: The enc_id of the quote. Checkout the response object after creating a quote to see the enc_id
  • message: Any additional message you want to include in the sms or whatsapp message

Printing a quote

You can print a quote by visiting this route, /quotes/:id/print

  • url: This represents the base url of the built server
  • print: Represents the encryption id of the quote. Can be found in the response object after creating a quote

Downloading a quote

You can download a quote by visiting this route, /quotes/:id/download-pdf

  • url: This represents the base url of the built server
  • :id: Represents the id of the quote. Can be found in the response object after creating a quote

Delete a quote

To delete a quote, make a DELETE request to the /quotes/:id endpoint. Here is a sample request using axios Where :id is the id of the quote to delete

const response = await axios.delete("/api/v3/quotes/:id");